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Business Opportunity

Business Opportunity
A rewarding business opportunities for motivated individuals.

Hai-O Marketing Plan
The Hai-O business opportunity is a low risk and low start-up cost that is open to everyone.

It allows you to build your business through selling products and sponsoring other people who, in turn, can sell products and offer the business opportunity to others. Of course with our excellent quality servicing, a long-term relationship could be guaranteed.

Hence, by passing your marketing and sales knowledge to your developing team, you not only build your own business network but also enable others to build one of their own.

The core of the Hai-O Marketing Plan's income opportunity is the sale of quality products and services offered and sponsoring. As your business grows, the rewards you earn grow in proportion. In Hai-O Marketing Plan, it does not compensate anybody for simply recruiting others as Independent distributors.

1 comment:

  1. tengok ler bonus dia..67% dapat pada usahawan..syarikat hanya 33%..kalau org bisnes minded mesti dia tahu..lagipun Hai0 ada 28 anak syarikat..sekiranya ada apa2 yang berlaku pada mana-mana syarikat..anak2 syarikat dibawah Hai.O yang lain dapat backup..fikir2kanlah..adakah Hai.O ini menjamin masa depan kita..kenapa ramai yg sanggup berhenti kerja semata2 untuk fokuskan kejayaan downline dan sekarang mengeggam 5,6 angka???
